Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Fic Preview - Acid

A Harry Potter multi-chapter fanfic

“Hello codger.” Her rich voice filled the hall and quieted the murmurs that had started in her wake. “Did you miss me?”
Dumbledore looked carefully into her eyes, recognition dancing on the edge of his tongue. “I am sorry, but your name seems to have escaped my mind.”
“Tsk. Tsk.” She waved her hand and waved an admonishing finger in his direction. “Is old age really that hard on you? After all you owe me, you up and forget me the moment I come into your hall of my own volition? I’m disappointed my boy.” A smirk adorned her face and amusement danced in her eyes. Dumbledore almost gasped as he recognized the face.
“Ah!” She clapped her hands happily. “So you do remember me? It’s nice to know you’re still as sharp as a rusty nail. That shall make this whole mess much easier on you.”
Dumbledore gazed silently at the woman in front of him. He blinked as she suddenly winked at him and moved her hand to wave absently around herself. Her dress melted from her skin and a black leather tank top and loose dark green pants took their place. When the shirt finished forming, red lines like those of spilled ink trailed from the shoulder down in a pattern that resolved itself as torn wings. As a last accent, trails of chains looped from the pants.

Laevus stretched his shoulders and sighed when he heard a pop. “Much better.” He looked himself over and with a few more flicks of his wrists added some leather and rope bands around his wrists. Raising his eyes to regard the people in front of him, he was pleased when he saw the look left in Dumbledore’s eyes. “Correct old man. You guessed my name, but apparently you forgot my power.”
“What do you want?” Dumbledore asked as he took in Laevus’s new appearance.
Nothing much old man.” He flicked a stay piece of hair away from his face. “I have a student I would like trained here.”
Dumbledore leveled a stare at the man in front of him. “Why here? You have continually tried to destroy this school. Why allow any disciples of your own to be taught here?”
Laevus smirked now, “My magic is normally considered ‘impure.’" The word was spat out of twisted lips. “I do not wish for him to be under such a label. Moreover, you owe me old man. I can destroy this school again if I need to.” The last sentence was hissed out and Dumbledore vaguely heard the students beginning to question whom Laevus was. The teachers were too polite to, yet. They would as soon as they could corner him.
The elderly Headmaster sighed. “I will take on your student then, and teach him.” ‘Maybe I can keep him from Laevus’s influence here.’
“Good.” Laevus nodded as a small smile graced him pale lips. “I will need a position here as well then.”
The rest of the teachers jumped slightly as the language switched back to English. Dumbledore frowned slightly. “We do not currently have any teaching positions open.”
It was Laevus’s turn to frown. “I would not have imagined that to be a problem for you, Headmaster.” The stress on the last word was mocking in its politeness

And here is a snippet of the first chapter of Acid. It doesn't look like much right now, but it gets better once everything falls into place.
Dumbledore gets back at Laevus next time, he hires him as Filch's assistant. XD Needless to say, Laevus - spirit of destruction that he is - is not amused. As for the mysterious student, well, he thinks it hilarious.
Laevus doesn't take this laying down though, he starts a war on Dumbledore, using Hogwarts as his base. (Because yes, you read right, Laevus has destroyed Hogwarts before. He did it during Dumbledore's time. So now you can wonder why no one remembers this, because after all, don't the history books sat Hogwarts has been around since the Founder's time and has never fallen? XD) Laevus also becomes friends with Peeves and Filch, using both to ensure his student's safety.
Oh, and there's a Japanese demon after Laevus. Kane, the demon, only just got released from prison. So, the cannibal mass-murderer is on his way to Scotland now. ^^ (he's introduced in the prologue, which I don't think I posted here)

So, any questions or comments? Like, hate, indifferent?

Life is just like the Movies

So yea, my car just DIED. As in the engine just kinda keeled over and quit. T-T The ironic part? I was coming into work with my dad so I could steal internet, and the engine shut off just as I got into the parking lot. Sure, I had to push it into a parking spot, but can you get any more perfect than to break down at a mechanic shop as you pull in?

(The really sad part of this though, is that I was planning on buying Seasons 2 & 3 of Supernatural today, but no car means no way to get three cities over to the only movie store that carries them. ;-; )

My second point is that the big computer had just gone through a big update and no one told me. So I got on to print some stuff, and just after I sent the big 173 page document to the printer, the computer happily informed me that it would be restarting in seven minutes. wtf. So yea, I was on the edge of my seat staring at the printer hoping it would finish in time. Can you guess when it spat out the final page? At 1 second left. OMG. Stuff like this only happens in the movies.

And holy shiznit, I now have CS2 on my laptop and I just finished installing my small tablet on there as well. (It's a Wacom Graphire, can you say oooold? ^^ They don't even make these anymore)

This means I will have better access to iconing materials and that things should get updated faster since I will be switching computers less now that I have a basic version on everything I want finally installed on my laptop. XDD I'm so happy. Now if only 7 was pretty...

Since like NO ONE has any Drop Dead Fred icons that I can find that I like, I'm about to make some of my own. After that, more yaoi icons since I have like 8 artbooks worth of yaoi (....) and then some Naruto ones if I can get some good bases. I'm also gonna see about getting some screencaps of Time Hollow and Devil Survior so I can do some of them.

As for my fanfictioning, since everything is finally happy and updated here, I'm off to finish Bondage Isn't Free so I can finally get a post up on Dreamwidth. -______-; After that, I'll be working on Duskborn, followed by CinderAllen after I figure out where my parents stashed my VHS player when I wasn't looking. Then Caged Bird, and finally, Blue Skies and my new stories. (of which, I just found some more plots I hid from myself. they have now joined the large plunnie farm in my head and are currently reproducing. anyone up for an adoption?)

Mwah-ha-ha! I am fully planning on using the image post feature to the fullest! Please note that all icons you see here are my own creation unless otherwise stated. If you like one well enough to steal it, please credit back to me and post a comment so I know where it went. Thanks.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Windows 7 Drama

So, I finally got the upgrade in for my laptop. My first comment to anyone looking to upgrade from Vista: Windows 7 is UGLY. Ugh. The buttons are all like big, and the icons in the task tray are pure white with black outlines. It's a designer's nightmare. Why the hell did they design it this way? DDDX
It also took like 8 hours to upgrade, that part I didn't really mind; it just took longer to upgrade than I think it would have been to begin a new install.

So, I'm fussing around on my laptop, cussing it out about every five minutes as I find something else that it changed magically.
My current layout on here is crap and I'm about to set up a new user for all my school stuff and 'work'. I'm also in the process of redoing all my music playlists and reogranizing all of my music since the files reset.

Currently, I'm just happy it left my favorties bar alone.

Grrr. So that's my rant for now just to let you guys know I'm alive and well. I'll post a more enchanting something later, after I fix this mess.

(the icons is MINE btw guys, so don't steal it)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Look! A Distraction!

I recently got Supernatual season 1. It is awwwwwesome! ^^ I has a new favorite pairing. -hearts- I worked on Bondage Isn't Free the other night, but the plot line skewed itself sideways when Evan decided he wanted to have sex with Lucius in the middle of his living room... Sadly, I had to put a stop to it. With that edition (which I will edit some later) I am only two parts away from finishing it (finally!!).

I still have to write two chapters for Duskborn by Friday though. I want to finish one by tonight though and have it posted for Duskborn's birthday! (Happy Birthday Duskborn!) Then I need to finish CinderAllen for all those who have been so nicely waiting on me.

Arg! Too much fanfiction to write, so little time. ;-;

I only have like another 20 icons to do before I finish my first batch and can have it posted. Maybe like the 26th?
I also have to redo this girl's logo because I don't own the computer I did it on originally, so I don't have the file in order to make a smaller version.

-sigh- Off to do more work... Wish me luck and fast fingers please people. T-T

Friday, December 18, 2009

Slashy Conversion and Icons

Mwah-ha-ha! I have succeded in converting Caits to the Star Trek slash fandom. ^^ Which means, I'll probably get roped into doing a few Star Treck oneshot-y things for Spock/Kirk. I'm anxious about trying any of them thou'.


:) Cait said she had never seen it before, so I had to show her ep.24 so she could see the adorableness that is Kaworu/Shinji. Then, we watched Death and Rebirth and Cait got to see the confusingness that is the Orange Crush of souls. XD I still don't know the name of it, but it looks like Orange Crush!
Cait and I were almost crying during the 63 second static shot. "You know it's true love when it takes 1.03 minutes to kill someone." (from an icon I found, and so true ;-;) I have some new baby plunnies hopping around for some oneshots, but I'm leaving them alone for now until I finish everything I had promised for Christmas.

On that note, I've been working on Bondage Isn't Free today, and omg, it's so much fun. ^^ Evan Rosier is a joy to write. It's about half-way through and I think I can get it done tomorrow and posted on Dreamwidth. My current sticking point is the rape/kill scene I have to write...and I've never written smut before. Then I get to write voyueristic masturbation. ^^;; I may have to wait until Monday to upload it so I can get Evynn to beta it for me.

I've been attempting to get into iconing for the past three days. I made like 20 in one night and another 30 the next day. ^^ Cait likes them, so they can't be too bad... I still have some Casshern screencaps I haven't used yet; I'll be waiting until after I iconize the rest of them, then I'll be doing a batch post on LJ for everything. I also have some Vassalord, Okane ga Nai, and Advent Children icons I've made. (screencapping is a tiring process, omg. it took at least as much time to screencap the scenes as it would have to just watch the movie!)
On the illustration front, Snape is still being a bit of a whore, and Eorin is still being shamelessly molested by Harius. (X3 Does it count as sexual harassment when they're imaginary?)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Crack Plots

So...still haven't finished my History final due today. T-T For some reason, I just can't concentrate on it. Stupid Crusades and stupid bubonic plague.

I did unearth some rather fun plots I had planned a while ago, but never really got around to writing. Unfortunantly, I don't think that my history teacher would take a slashy-filled fanfiction in place of a 5 page paper on European history. Hmm...maybe if I did a Count Cain/Kuroshitsugi piece?

A Sample of the Randomness that is Naoi's brain!

Kyo Kara Maoh!:
When Yuuri first gave him the Demon Stone, Yozak thought it was a bribe. Just something to keep the spy in Yuuri's good graces. Little did he know that Yuuri was giving him something other than just the Demon Stone that night.

Shori knew something was going on with his brother; most likely something to do with that stupid Demon World Bob wanted Yuuri to rule. Desperate for answer that Yuuri refuses to give him, Shori corners his little brother's best friend. However, what he gets may be more than just information.

Morig is jealous of how much Conrad means to Yuuri, and decides to find out just how special the half-human really is. Leading him down a dark passageway, he then proceeds to have his wicked way with Conrad. However, Morgif didn't expect to actually find anything special at all with the man, so what happens when he decides he wants to do it again, only with a willing Conrad this time?

Harry Potter:
James didn't mean for it to happen. It was only supposed to be a one-night stand brought on by Lily's death. He never meant to have sex with Sirius of all people, and he definantly never meant for the man to get pregnant.

Snape was only supposed to be making a withdrawl from the bank. How the hell did he wind up locked in one of the vaults with a Gringotts employee? Especially when the Gringotts employee was Bill Weasley.

Many of these are one-shot type fics, something I haven't done a lot of before. However, that also means I will have some new fics to post on my LJ since I don't like the idea of posting a chapter at a time of an epic length fic there. That's what my FF account is for.
Flitter! Cait never got her KKM b-day fic... Guess that means she's getting a ton of stuff on Christmas then what with the TGIO presents from NaNo, belated b-day gifts, actual Christmas pics/fics, and the other stuff I'm planning that she'll probably kidnap anyways. ^^

-sigh- I don't suppose anyone want to type up a History final for me? (and why is it always History?!) Anyone? *crickets* Well dang. 'Nuff procrastinating, I'm off to write another 4 pages on my final before tonight. -wince- Wish me luck!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Fic preview

Yay! I just got one of those fancy 'Retro Pack 2' card packs for YGO. (For those unaware, the retro packs are the rereleasing of some of the old YGO cards with new art. They are freaking awesome.) I managed to get my hands on a Brain Control and Magician of Dark Chaos.
Now I just have to restructure my decks so all the new cards I want to add in flow with everything else I have. I still want a Water Magician card, but I'll probably just have to buy that one on Amazon or something.

This is a small piece of a planned fic for a Naruto/YGO crossover. I have about five chapters written so far, but plan on writing at least another five before posting it. I may also just rearrange the plot so it turns into a normal Naruto story. Not sure; it all depends on how cooperative Isis is.

“Am I dead?” Naruto asked uncertainly as he stared around himself at a field of whiteness. He gently reached out to try and touch something when a voice started him into falling backwards.
“No you baka.” it said. He looked around, confused by the fact that the voice seemed to come from the direction of his stomach. “If you were dead, I’d be free from here. Do you know how bad this place can smell?”
“Who are you?” Naruto asked a little fearfully.
“I am the Great Kyuubi no Kitsune!” it announced with pride, using a bit of its chakra to form a small manifestation.
“You mean… you’re the one who attacked the village!” Naruto scuttled backwards comically, trying to escape the voice.
“Yes pitiful child, I attacked that incompetent hole you call a village.”
Naruto looked around perplexed. “But I thought the 4th Hokage killed you?” The small boy was now completely confused.
“Ha! As if a human could ever kill me! The most powerful youko alive!”
Naruto sniffed pathetically. “Why did you attack Konoha?” he asked softly.
Kyuubi scoffed. “The foolish mortals abused the contracts of the summons.” When Kyuubi saw he had the boy’s attention he continued, slightly surprised that the dead last in school would be interested in this.
“Long ago, I was in charge of making sure that the human did not abuse the power of the summoned animals.”
“What are summoned animals?” Naruto asked.
“They are creatures called from another dimension to fight alongside the summoner. There are many different types of summon animals which include dogs, toads, slugs, monkeys, and,” Kyuubi literally hissed out the next word, “snakes.”
“What’s wrong with snakes?” the blonde asked timidly. Somewhat worried he had upset one of the only people who had been nice to him. ‘Well, maybe not exactly a person.’ he amended.
“Originally, they were one of the greatest summon animals. However, a few years ago, I received word that a mortal man had been corrupting their line. I went to investigate these claims, but when I showed up at your village” he spat the last word out “they attacked me. Some of them even summoned the animals I had sworn to protect and forced them to fight, even when they tried to refuse. This enraged me further and I attacked the humans.”
Kyuubi let out a sigh. “Eventually one of them summoned Gamabunta, the toad boss. He then used an advanced jutsu to seal me inside of you.”
“Me?” Naruto squeaked.
“Yes.” Kyuubi said chuckling. “He needed a new born child to seal me into, because I am so powerful, I would kill anyone else. Do you understand now why the others stare with eyes filled with hate and revenge?” He laughed at that.
“Then, it wasn’t me they were yelling at?” he asked as his face scrunched up in concentration. “But that’s not fair!”
“Of course, that’s -” Kyuubi started.
“You were trying to help!”
“Then they call you all those mean names!” The great youko was now totally confused. ‘He’s sticking up for me? After what they have done to him?’
“I’m so sorry! You must have been so lonely!” Naruto suddenly lunged forward and grabbed ahold of the fox apparition in front of him. He squeezed him tightly in a hug. “All those people yelling at you. That’s just so mean.” The short blonde sniffed and started to cry into the fox’s fur.
Kyuubi awkward licked a few of the tears away. “Why are you crying?” he asked quietly.
“Because you won’t. You act all big and mean, but you’re really sad that everyone is mad at you for trying to do your job.” He rubbed his face into Kyuubi’s fur and let his tears soak into the dark red coat.
After a few minutes, his crying stopped. “I don’t see why they thought you were evil. I’ve seen some pictures of Boss Summons and they’re just as big as you.” he sniffed again as his tears started to dry.
“Hey!” Kyuubi shouted, not sure whether he should be pleased or insulted. He opted for pleased because it made him feel better.
All of a sudden, Naruto grimaced and a slid across the floor a few feet. “Itai!”
“What happened?” Kyuubi asked, worried about what had happened to his host.
“I think someone just hit me. Dang, I was just getting used to being dead too.”
“You weren’t dead baka!”

And there you have it. A snippet from the middle of the first chapter!
Any comments? Love/Hate/Indifferent?

Crossovers from the galaxy beyond...

NaNo finally ended (thank god!). I finished with 53/50K (aka, I won!) I'm currently in the process of a lot of editing, some plot-filling, and doing more illustrations. ^^

Since then, I've managed to once again lose myself in the realm of fanfiction! (ah, the water's so sweet and warm xp) Being my curious self, I went browsing and managed to stumble across the strange and yet delightful realm of YGO/SG-1 crossovers. Aaaand OMG are Bakura and Daniel not the hottest thing since toast. (hehe... H.I.N.T. ...hehe) There should seriously be more action between these two. Sadly, I have only watched, maybe, a fifth of the SG-1 series, so I am like totally lost as I sit here and fangirl over this stuff.
After YGO, I went through and found NCIS, HP, House M.D. (which Failed), and other crossovers with SG-1. At the conclusion of much searching, I have decided that the SG-1 crossover universe is severly lacking. SERIOUSLY lacking. It should be crime how few good fics there are out there.
And for another thing, why is that there are only like 3 types of HP/SG-1 crossovers? Either Harry becomes a super-powerful memeber of SG-1 (resulting in an epic-length fic), Harry is Daniel (which is actually realy cool), or Harry and Jack end up together and mpreg ensues. (I'm refusing to read the Harry/Sam fics on principle as a slash fan-atic) Can't anyone come up with a decent new idea?

Another crossover set that is lacking in good stories is DN/YGO. They're all crap. At least any that I can find are. It's so sad since everything is almost set up for a great crossover.

Like Weiss Kreuz and Harry Potter! Omg, I so wanna read a good one of those. Does no one else see the similarites between Nagi and Harry? Messy black hair, green eyes, telekinetic/magical powers. Has no one else seriously noticed this?! It's almost written-out in plain sight for you people!

I'm also debating starting a new crossover just because the one series pisses me off. YGO/YGO5Ds. 5Ds almost demolishes the basics of the Shadow Realm and the origins of the cards, aka the basis of the whole YGO series! (not to mention they stuck a Jou clone in there in one episode... -_-;;) And Jack Atlas! How dare he rip off the Kaiba coat! It's unforgivable!
Basically, (in my fic idea which I am seriously contemplating writing) Yusei (whom I believe can be saved) gets transported to Domino, Japan. There he meets Yugi-tachi and discovers that everything he thought he knew about the cards and the Shadow Realm was all a lie. It's a big wake-up call for the satellite duelist as he struggles to come to terms with his new knowlege, learning the 'old school' way of dueling, and dealing with a new threat against the Earth that he somehow gets wrapped up in, courtesy of knowing Yugi.
I'm not sure of the pairings or much anything else yet, but the idea is firmly in my mind.

Help requested! I'm looking for a specific YGO/HP fic I found awhiiiile ago. I don't remember the name of it, sadly, but I know it was archived on fanfiction.net.
Yugi left Japan and was taking care of the three yamis, who had been reborn as children. (and are ever so adorable!)
Yugi buys a house somewhere in England and states that it would get confusing talking in three different languages all the time, so he decides that each day they would use a different language. English, Ancient Egyptian, and Japanese if I'm remembering correctly.
If you know which story I'm talking about, PLEASE let me know! I've been trying to find it for the past three days!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Slash Ahoy!

Ok, so my dad got Star Trek 2009 and guilt tripped the whole house into watching it with him. First off, the movie was freaking awesome! <33 Kirk and Spock were totally banging. After the movie, I went and read at least 7 Kirk/Spock fics. They were so cute, awesome, and omg worthy. I also found another nano-er in the group of K/S writers. So yays! ^-^
The bad part though was that my grandfather wouldn't STOP TALKING during the movie! OMG! I was about ready to just kick everyone out of the room so I could have my silent fangasms in peace. Urh.

Also, on a slightly-random-but-still-important-because-it-is-life-or-death note, my grandfather is clearly not used to driving on the roads around here. He's from Canada. All I can say is that they must have much wider roads and a lot more traffic up there. He was having problems with our 'narrow roads' and kept doing these crazy jump inbetween people to change lanes moves that had my heart in my throat for the first four times before I just zoned it out and thought of new fanfiction ideas.
On the better related news front there, I finally broke my 20K word count on NaNo; it's given me my confidence in writing back, so I'll most definantly be upping my fanfiction update schedule when December comes around.

And now, enough procrastiniating, I'm off to wrote more of my novel and buy new manga! XD <3

Friday, November 20, 2009

Why yes Mr. Panda, I am related to Mr. Sloth

History is spelled very similarly to 'destroy', or 'his toy.' Am I the only one to notice this? Maybe it's because I have a nine page assignment due in four hours that I am noticing all of this...
Yay for word padding tricks learned from NaNo! *sigh* As cool as my history teachers initals are, (ZHA, how cool is that?) I can't help but be annoyed at the multiple assignments given to us everyday.

Plus, I had an awesome new GW/HP idea today while driving to my write-in. What if Zechs was actually Lucius Malfoy? And Quatre was an amnesiac Draco? XD It's so awesome and I already have the basis of an outline for it written out...but I'm not allowed to think about that until December.

Also, I'm a little behind on this, but they found CrazyAboutYugi's hacker. He's from NY apparently. They're trying to sue him for several things and he's been blacklisted by the fanfiction community. Remind me never to upset the puzzleshipping community. They are freaking awesome! <3

On more of the homefront news, I still have no idea when my gradfather will be showing up. It's rather...worrying. I don't even have a clue if he's still in Canada or if he's in the US on his way down. Like, right now. >.< It's so stressful! Which means even less is getting done than normal.
*sigh* Enough procrastiniating for now, I have a history paper to write. ;_; Any volunteers? No? Damn.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Desperate teaser

This is a Harry Potter fanfiction called Desperate that I started during summer semester and lost. I found it again last Saturday and fell in love all over again with the idea.


He sat on top of a giant wooden cross on the edge of a graveyard, wearing only a ragged and faded green tunic. The boy stared as another of the black-robed people walked past his grave. More of them had been showing up the past weeks and it annoyed the boy to no end. They had no respect for the graves, nor the people buried there. The boy hissed softly under his breath as one of the black-robes stepped on top of the graves.
They are very stubborn, kali?
The boy turned to look at the giant snake that had crawled up the wooden cross while he wasn’t looking. Then again, he was so used to the snake that its approach no longer mattered to him. They are. Slightly elongated fangs poked out from underneath the pale boy’s lips.
Shall we go hunting again, kali? They reek of old blood and other’s pain.
The boy stared a little longer at the black robed figures retreating off into the house sitting on the edge of the graveyard. His grin widened as he looked up at the moon. He waited several more moments before speaking again. I had a vision of Mother yesterday. He was in pain. I don’t like to watch Father make Mother be in pain, it unsettles me.
The snake’s eyes gleamed as it turned its head from the boy to the house the black-robes had disappeared into. The reptile understood his Master’s underlying message and fresh venom began to pool in its fangs. The black-robes would pay the Father’s debt.
The boy eventually turned his head back down to the giant snake. Shall we go Kali? Serenity warns us to be careful, but the light of Nothing shall cloak us in vengeance. The boy’s words didn’t even faze the snake, he was used to his Master’s strange prayers and whispers to the dead.
Boy and snake easily dropped from the high cross and slipped into the shadows of the gravestones.

No, the boy is not Harry in case you thought that. He's something else. I'll give either a fanfic oneshot or a fanart drawing to anyone who can figure out what/who he is.

This is just the begining of the first chapter and the rest of it should be done within the next month.
Comments, questions? Love? Hate?


So, I had to go on an art trip with my stupid art class yesterday. It sucked. Majorly. >.<

On a positive note (and the reason for the name of this post), I watched a Japanese movie called Casshern on the way to the museum. It was freaking awesome! I also came up with a few new plunnies for the movie while I was watching it. ^^ Unfortunantly, I have to put those ideas on hold until NaNo is over. I also saw several points where I could screen cap some good icon bases. I'm still a novice at iconing, but Cait likes what I've done so far, so maybe I don't completely suck? I'll probably end up doing the icons later on this week and making a post on my LJ for them.
And the most amazing part of Casshern? The themesong was written and sung by UTADA HIKARU!! <3 I didn't even realize it until the ending when they played it as the credits rolled by. When I found out it was her too, I freaked out and was all hyper and excited. Which was rather awkward because it happened on a (red!) school bus filled with old people who had no clue what I was talking about. Hehe...

And I couldn't leave you guys without recommending a new fanfiction could I? This is another GW/HP (because I am now officially obssessed):
ID: 4043045 - A Persian's Tale
- Abandoned in London by the Dursely's with fifty pounds to his name and no desire to lodge in a Leaky filled to the brim with Light hostile patrons, who would've thought running from a mugging would find him living in luxury as a cat...
- Just from the summary, I wouldn't have really wanted to read it. But considering I had read just about all the other GW/HP stories, I thought 'what the hell' and gave it a try. It was awesome! It was really fun to read Harry as a cat, especially since the author writes in such a way as to make it fun and easy to read. A definant recommendation.

And now, off to type more of my novel before wallowing in despair over how little I actually have completed...

Friday, November 13, 2009

Fic preview

This is a Harry Potter fanfic I started a few months ago before NaNo and I was debating continuing it. The basis is that Harry has been 'trained' by an evil lord named Lord Arcus. His Hogwarts letter arrives and Harry is given the chance to go to school. How will Hogwarts react to this Perfect Soldier? (sorry Heero, I had too! XD)


“No hesitation now, boy.”
The sharp voice cut through Harry’s thoughts and he wordlessly raised his hand and drove the knife it held into the body in front of him. Glazed emerald eyes gazed into the fading blue ones in front of him.
“Very good.” the voice purred in dark tones as a hand snaked around Harry’s shoulders to grasp his neck. “You have done so well; I shall allow you to ask for a favor.” Long nails drug themselves across the pulse that was beating underneath the pale skin. “What do you want?”
Harry shivered slightly as the breath of the man behind him washed over the shell of his ear. The seductive tones dragged him further into his mind and he lost hold of reality for a few seconds.
“A favor…” his voice was thin from disuse and scratched against his throat.
The man behind him chuckled at the childish repetition of his words. “Yes, what do you want? I shall give you a prize,” his voice lingering on the last word.
Harry’s eyes dropped to the floor and the dead body in front of himself. Blood flowed from the hole in its chest and matted its hair to its head. Absently, the thought surfaced that the man was probably not a natural blonde. Harry could see the brown roots and felt the strangest urge to laugh at the dead man for being so conforming.
The hand at his neck was joined by soft lips at the man behind him became impatient. “Well my pet? What do want?” Unspoken, the lips on his neck also showed that if Harry didn’t give an answer soon, he wouldn’t be able to. Allowing a small smile at the ministrations, Harry let himself relax and his thoughts flow free.
“An owl…” The man stilled and let Harry gather his wandering thoughts. “There was an owl. Cain ate it for breakfast. It had a letter on it.” Harry swallowed and moistened his lips. He hadn’t talked this much in a while now. “It asked,” he paused as a coughing fit overcame him. “It said that,” Harry doubled over and coughed again. Lifting a hand to his mouth, he tried to keep from swallowing his tongue. Cool hands wrapped around his bent waist and a face nuzzled into his back. He could faintly hear soft words spoken against his skin. The breath of the man behind him warmed his shirt and Harry tried to slow his coughing.
Calming down, Harry moved his hand and spit out a mouthful of blood. He straightened slowly and tensed his muscles to keep from shaking in pain.
“Quiet, my pet. You’ll be fine soon. Quoin’s poison is still in your veins it seems. Now, you said a letter came by owl this morning. Just nod.” Harry nodded weakly and the man pulled Harry’s head back until it rested on his shoulders. “Well then, I take it you want me to respond in a pleasing manner to this letter?” Harry nodded again and suppressed another coughing fit that threatened to overtake him. “Calm down. If you die, you are of no use to me.” Harry cringed at the words and tried to pull forward out of the embrace.
“Sit!” A hand grabbed him roughly by the head. “I did not say to move, so don’t.” Growled out, the words instantly froze Harry. “Good.” The hand softened its hold and stroked his hair. “Such a pretty head my pet.”
Showing surprising strength, the man lifted Harry’s frail body up and walked out the door into the stone corridors underneath the castle. Harry curled into the man carrying him and clenched his hands into his own robes. He felt the man start up the steps into the main part of the castle. He smiled and twisted his head to try to bury his head into the man’s neck.
A deep chuckle came through the chest that Harry was resting on. “Cling all you like for now my pet. I shall find this letter of yours while you go and talk to Quoin about your throat.”
Harry nodded vaguely, his thoughts floundering again.


Aaaand that's all I'm giving you. So, what do you guys think? Love it? Hate it?

Obsession Corner

OMG! I have rediscovered my love of Gundam Wing. Wish You Were Here for 3 days....

Here's a few of the best ones that I have read for you to enjoy if you so choose. They are all yaoi/slash so don't flame me for not warning you! Also, all these are on fanfiction.net and the numbers are the story id numbers. I figure most people know how to build the links.

  • 5367121 - Two for One Deal - Harry Potter disappeared after an attack at the Dursleys. Quatre Winner thinks maybe it's time he go back to the world he left behind. The others? They don't know what they've gotten into... (1x2x5 3x4)- This one is really interesting and fun to read becuase it's so unique.

  • 5407917 - Everyone Needs a Hero - During the War Duo comes across an abused Harry (age about 5) who hides him from OZ/Alliance. Seeing the abuse Duo takes Harry away with him. Harry gets shunted about between the Pilots during the rest of the War. After the War, Harry stays with Duo and becomes the Pilots' collective little brother. He doesn't want to go to Hogwarts when the letter comes. Dumbledore won't take no for an answer. - I'm not normally one to read the young Harry crossovers, but this one turned out very interesting and awesome.

  • 5143852 - Stray - Wufei makes a strange friend on a mission that goes wrong; a friend that saves his life. However, there is something strange about the green-eyed dog. (5xH) - This is a very popular couple, and this story is definantly not one that should just be shunted aside in the torrent of other fics when searching for something good. The story is interesting, fun to read, and original.

  • 4939356 - Finders, Keepers - The war is over, and Harry has made a startling discovery: he has an older brother, who is most likely a Muggle, who was adopted away before he was ever born. Crossover with Gundam Wing. (1xH) - Includes Harry breaking into Quatre's house to spy on Duo. I'm sure you know how well that would turn out. XD Heero's a bit of an ass in this story, but it's still way fun to read.

  • 4980683 - Best Kept Secret - Chang Wufei was having a really bad night when Harry Potter stumbled across him in a dark alley and bleeding. Both felt a twinge of something and neither knew what to do about it. 3 months later fate tossed them together again and this time? Who knows? (1x5) - Harry is awesome in this story! I love the way the author has written this story as well. Freaking awesome.

  • 4244574 - Shen long - Harry didn’t realise the effects of being a magical Animagus until he shifted into a chinese dragon. 500 years in the future, Wufei visits his family home in China, and ends up meeting the rather unique guardian of the Long clan. (5xH 1x2 3x4) - OMG! Harry's a dragon! And he's stalking Wufei. XD I loved this story, short as it is right now.

There are a few more, but they haven't been update in like 2 years. T-T And they are all soooo good. Feel free to browse on your own, and please send me a link if you find anything totally awesome!

And that's enough procrastinating from my novel. I'm 10K words behind. >.<>

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Manga Recc list

Being the large manga fan that I am, I love getting reccs from other fanfiction writers about new manga they have found that they love. So these are a few that I found that you may not have heard of that are pretty great (forgive the crappy summaries please!):

Nurarihyon no Mago
-Nura is the grandson of one of the greatest demon clan leaders of all time. He's on 1/4 demon, and 3/4 human (this means he only turns into a demon at night). NNM is about how he comes to accept the responsibility of the clan and actually care about demons.
-This is one of my new favorite manga! Nura is so adorable/sexy. In some ways, it reminds me of YGO... but not really.

Eyeshield 21
-Sena is a go-fer. Bullies need something from the store, he can get it the fastest due to his 'golden legs.' He gets recruited for the Deimon Football team and is given the moinker 'Eyeshield 21' and shoved into the games. The series is about the team's struggle for players, acceptance, and their attempts to win at least a single game.
-I know, it's sports, but seriously, I love this manga! It's completed in Japan and I just wish they had more. I hate football in real-life, but, god, I live this series. (Prince of Tennis is another freaking awesome series that is about sports; tennis this time)

Kamisama Hajimemashita
-A girl, recently homeless, becomes the new land god to a shrine when the old one runs away.
-Nanao is adorable, and surprisingly enough, the kitsune who takes care of the shrine is not a typecast, he's awesome!

-Shonen, Supernatural, Humour
-There is nothing Sebastian can't do; after all, he is the butler to the Phantomhive family. The series is about Ciel, the young leader of the Phantomhive family, a family employed to do the dirty work of the queen.
-I love love love this series. Ciel and Sebastion are so great together! I started this series and couldn't stop reading it!

Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
-Shonen, Action, Humour
-Tsuna is a no good loser, but then he becomes a mafia don. The series is about Tsuna's eventual acceptance of the position, and how he strives to become the best boss ever.
-The first like 9 volumes are kinda boring (they are there to introduce you to the characters), but then, when the fighting starts, it picks up and becomes Awesome! My old-new obssession.

There will be more added later, when I get more time to make proper summaries and actually go through my list of manga instead of just picking some off the top of my head that I remember...


I am participating in NaNoWriMo this year. Which, for all you poor people who actually have lives, NaNoWriMo is short for National Novel Writing Month which takes place in Novemeber. I will have to write a novel of at least 50,000 words to win.
I have two plots right now which are fighting for dominance. Technoxity and Inkweaver. Both are epic fantasy plot that are having quite a bit of fun messing with my head. (never write an alternate dimension story unless you are fully prepared to face the concequences!)
I'm so used to writing fanfiction that it will be interesting to see what I do when I start writing a novel.

On a random side-note, Poker Pair Week was a lot of fun. So hugs to everyone who participated!